
CRO Holiday Checklist

The holiday season means increased website traffic volume, a shift in buyer intent, and larger basket sizes. Whether you feel ready for the holiday season or not, creating a customer-delighting shopping experience is an ongoing process of continuous optimization.

Enhance website quality for a seamless shopping experience.

Improve customer support and address common questions.

Plan for product availability and set clear delivery expectations.

Maximize Holiday Sales with CRO Best Practices

In this eBook you will learn:

  1. Five tips to prepare for shopping behavioral changes
  2. How to check website quality
  3. Questions to ask your customer support team
  4. Three ways to set customer expectations with potentially out-of-stock products
  5. Why to set delivery expectations

Boost Your Holiday Revenue with Proven CRO Strategies


Optimize your e-commerce website for the holiday season with CRO best practices. Enhance website quality, improve customer support, and plan for product availability to delight customers and maximize holiday revenue.