Evolv AI Case Study

Health & Beauty Retailer

Evolv AI’s UX recommendations led to a +8.1% increase in online sales

For any rapidly growing company, optimizing user experience (UX) is crucial. Every moment in a user’s journey counts. This was especially true for a leading global heath and beauty e-commerce retailer in the UK, who partnered with Evolv AI to streamline their UX processes, enhance their personalization capabilities and improve their reapplication of A/B/n test results efficiently and accurately.

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The Challenge

Before collaborating with Evolv AI, the client struggled to meaningfully improve the performance of their digital experiences through their testing roadmap. Despite working with an agency to ideate, design, and deploy experiments, the impact of their efforts diminished over time. Negative experimentation results significantly affected key performance metrics, often taking months to recover to baseline performance, prompting the search for a new platform.

The Solution

Evolv AI’s automated design thinking platform effectively understands experimentation goals, guides decision-making, and continuously learns from outcomes to provide real-time insights.

The partnership with Evolv AI has been transformative. The AI-driven optimization not only streamlined our testing process but also delivered quick, tangible results. Seeing an 8.1% lift in conversions and a $5M increase in annual revenue is a testament to the power of their technology.

- Client testimonial


| Discovery and Ideation

The client utilized Evolv AI’s computer vision and generative AI across various funnel touchpoints, including the homepage, product listing, and checkout pages, to evaluate digital experiences. The platform identified UX improvement opportunities tailored to specific audience segments and goals, ranked by impact, clarifying their roadmap.

icon_check+ Conversion Rate Increase

The optimized digital experiences resulted in an 8.1% lift in conversions.

| Optimize and Personalize

Evolv AI’s platform supports AI-driven A/B testing, A/B/n testing, and multivariate testing. The client opted for A/B/n experimentation to dynamically adjust user experiences in real time. With that, Evolv AI’s technology evaluated all segment and variant combinations, recommending the best variants for specific user segments to maximize lift. When experiments were live, Evolv AI directed traffic to the experiences most likely to convert for each user, learning from each interaction and retaining knowledge for future applications.

icon_check+ Revenue Impact

This improvement led to an annual revenue increase of $5 million for the client.

| Automate and Accelerate

As the client continued to train their AI instance with brand guidelines, product documentation, marketing research, experimentation results, and analytics, hypotheses and ideas became more refined, giving them confidence in making data-driven decisions and creating impactful digital experience improvements. 

Evolv AI offers flexibility in engagement, allowing customers to self-serve, partner with in-house talent, or utilize third-party agency networks for strategy, prototyping, or experimentation assistance. This client worked with Evolv AI’s in-house team to learn more about defining variants and variables for the AI to test.

icon_check+ Faster time-to-value

Shortened experimentation cycle by 13 weeks.


The collaboration resulted in impressive outcomes, increasing conversions by +8.1% and contributing roughly $5 million in annual revenue increases.

By automating and accelerating the feedback loop, Evolv AI enabled the client to achieve significant business benefits, including a substantial lift in conversions and revenue growth.

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